The Inmarsat mimi-M satellite terminal. Modes of work: fax, voice, data.
Response to high demands of electromagnetic compatibility. Can be used in
any climate conditions.
Is not a convention equipment and can be used as subsidiary equipment
for vessels of all types.
Technical specifications:
Parameters, function
Phone unit size
44 x 235 X 190 mm
Antenna size
260 x 275 mm
Power unit size
33 x 230 x 197 mm
Phone unit weight
1 kg
Antenna weight
3,8 kg
Power unit weight
1,6 kg
Power supply
From 10 to 32 VDC In a wait mode: 15 W In a talk mode: 50 W
Permissible vessel oscillations
Rolling + 25° Pitching + 15° Course deviation + 8° Speed of turn 50°/sec