Parameters, function | Values
Charts usage | Of all official formats including vector format TX-97, ENC. Is possible to reflect up to 6 charts simultaneously.
Marine journal | Automatic maintenance of electronic vessel journal
Chart correction | Delivery of renewed charts on ÑD every three months renewal every 2 weeks by the Internet
"Info" function | Additional information about any object or a mark on electronic chart
Flows and currents | Data base concerning ebbs and flows, levels of flow and season and surface currents.
Plane tables | Creating valuable fishing plane tables
3D model of bottom | Reflection of sea bottom relief under symbol of proper vessel, or in any point by user’s choice.
Alarm signaling | antigrounding - approaching to navigational risks route - vessel deviation from the route target/radar - events, which are connected with objectives and with sensors chart areas - approach to zones of separation sensors - data monitoring from connected sensors network àlarms - monitoring of net configuration state
Work with echosounder | Current depth and units of measure Echogram Relief of sea bottom according to active route Projection of vessel itself on bottom surface Isobaths received from charts TX-97 Route points, their names Trawl models with adjustments of length and depth wires
Records reproduction | Reproduction of all fishing operations
Route planning | Creating a route including up to 999 route points
Tracks | Track of vessel itself Trawl track Track from SARP, processor radar or AISTrawl track
Radar reflection | Superposition of "raw" radar picture above the chart Automatic marking and escorting till 500 objectives simultaneously Record of "raw" radar reflection on hard disk of PC
Navtex information | Automatic counting of received by Navtex system messages Processing, separation of position data, of area, which transmit stations and themes
Weather module | Getting weather forecast for 5 days by e-mail
Integration with AIS | Reflecting objectives of AIS on the screen Full information about objectives Sending and receiving messages Objectives identification according to the name, MMSI and call-sign Marking of chosen objectives on the chart
Search-and-rescue operations | Creating routes, which are according to one of scheme of rescue distressed